Heh, heh I came third in M40, 20th overall in the short (33km) race.
A v good course, nice mixture of single-track, trails & schotter with some thought required on gear selection etc and keeping speed on corners - i.e. not your usual schotter warrior course. Also was well-marked and plenty of friendly marshalls. The chip-timing and immediate result print out was also excellent. Only niggle was that there was no Verflegung at the finish.
Did the short course 'cos I arrived too late to register for the long one - there's a lesson to be learnt there!
Pleased with my result and riding, especially considering I'm not particularly fit. Took it smooth and steady. Gears played up on the second lap which was annoying. Backache on second lap.
Drank 75oml long energy, a swig of water and one gel. Next time follow Pepe's tip and eat a gel at the start.
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