30 May 2007

Up-coming RTF marathons

Couple of interesting roadmarathons are coming up. Really enjoyed Hattersheim marathon last year - some good downhills and nice to ride in the Taunus for a change.
Bensheim is close and should be hilly.
Mayen isn't in Pfalzerwald but 160km away, west of Koblenz.
Dannstadt is near Schwetzingen near Mannheim so might be in the Pfalz, but a bit short.
So probably do Hattersheim.

So17. Juni RTFBensheimHES44/77/120/152 Km
So17. JuniPHC/RTFHattersheimHES44/71/113/151/205 Km
17. Juni RTFDannstadtRLP49/82/123 Km

Wed eve spinning

Weather was rubbish on Tuesday, I expected more on Wednesday so decided to spin instead of ride outside on Wednesday eve. Wednesday turned out nice and sunny but stuck to spinning plan anyway.
It didn't go well tonight. Plan was to do a 90min hill-climb at 85% with the occasional tempo increase to keep it interesting! My problems started as soon as the hill - I couldn't get the load high enough - I must be too strong for these bikes :o) - and had to fiddle about trying to get enough load on. This pissed me off a lot and it took me a long time to get the load right and settle down. Then the tempo increased and I went up to 90% for 5 or 6 mins then started to get bored with the music and demotivated. This was also v annoying 'cos I usually really enjoy the music. This time it was deep/progressive house which I find pretty dull and there wasn't enough bass/energy to keep me going so I slowed up and my motivation drained away. I ended up ignoring the music and doing my own 80-90% intervals with alternate high and low tempo. Finally the bass started pumping and the music sped up I managed to get my self going for the last 4 mins at 97%, which is pretty good - should definitely get a sub 10min Frankenstein if I can ride the last 4 mins at that rate. Just need a lot of bass to fuel me :o)
So a good session but didn't enjoy it much :0(

29 May 2007

June MTB marathon dates from Rich

I'll be doing the 50km Rhens on the 10th and 62km Frammersbach on the 24th all going well.

Any takers?
Simon: Dunno which, if any, I'll do yet

Sunday 3rd June Bike Festival Willingen ( 210 Km away )

51km / 1244 HM
96KM / 2674 HM
123km / 3500 HM

Sun 10th Jun Rhenser Rhein-Hunsrueck Marathon ( 135 km away , 120km autobahn)

Looks like a smaller marathon , ooh glory hunting !!

50km / unknown HM
100km / unknown HM

17th June .. Kirchzarten !! ( 258km away , 248km on autobahn A5)

43km / 1040 HM
77km / 2000 HM
88km / 2300HM
116km / 3150 HM

Sun 17th June Rheingauer MTB Marathon ( 70km away .. )

Well it's close!

58km / 1350 HM

24 Jun Framersbach (110 km away)

Entry included a nice jersey last year. A very large field last year made for an excellent event. Nothing technical on the course

30km / 825 hm
62km / 1650hm
120km / 330hm


Sat 30th June Kitz Alp Bike !!! ( long way away....)

Check out the Hoehen meter to distance ratio.. yum.

24 km / 800 Hm
45 km / 2.000 Hm
88 km / 3.800 Hm


Darmstadt-Frankenstein road short circuit Thu 24th May

Still feeling a bit knackered from Monday eve's ride, plus a frustrating day at work, so had to force myself out to take advantage of the beautiful weather before my long weekend in Mallorca, without a bike (although I did take my shoes & pedals just in case!).

Just did my short Frankenstein circuit - i.e. down the Schnellstr and around to the Frankenstein hill-climb road, over the top, then home via Nieder Beerbach, Muhltahl and Bollenfaltor.

Didn't feel very energetic so took it easyish. Just about to ride up the hill and the Polar ran out of memory 'cos I'd forgotten to clear it. Cleared it and started again, by which time my pulse was right down. Started, rode hard, standing until the second bend, as usual, then decided to stay standing most of the way, like on Melibokus on Saturday. This seemed to work 'cos I managed it in 10m10s without really giving my all, until the last couple of minutes when I went over 90%. In contrast I rode up off-road on Monday at over 90% for most of the way. I reckon I can do a sub-10 if I try hard, but need to get a bit fitter to beat my PB 9m20s from 2004 - or a lighter bike :o)

On the way-down, discovered I'd broken a spoke in my front-wheel. Dunno when - on the climb? How on earth do you fix spokes on an aero wheel. The nipple is trapped inside and rattles which is maddening.

Well, after posting this I had a go at it and the nipple fell out and I discovered that the spoke wasn't broken at all - it had just come undone. Glued the nipple to a screwdriver and managed to replace it and the spoke. Hopefully it'll stay tight, otherwise need to buy some spoke-lock stuff.

22 May 2007

Darmstadt Mtb Marathon :-) with Brendan , Mon 21st May

First time this year on the Darmstadt-Ludwigshoehe-Frankenstein-Felsberg-Melibokus-Jugenheim-Darmstadt circuit - with Brendan. 50km, at least 1050 hm

Brendan said he wanted to break his 54min record from Eumetsat to Frankenstein. He rode like the clappers through the woods to HeidelbergLandstr and I tried to sit on his wheel. He's difficult to follow 'cos you can't see anything in front and he makes kamikaze attacks on pedestrians :-) Had to sprint to get back on his wheel after turns and pedestrians. I was wondering how/if I could keep up on the climbs then, just after sprinting over the bridge over the B3, I heard heavy breathing in front and knew he was starting to blow, hoho. Crossed Hdlbrgstr and started to climb towards Ludwigshohe and he grunted something and eased up. I moved to the front and rode up at a more comfortable pace - phew, that was relief! So I then made him suffer a bit the usual way through Bollenfaltor woods and down to the Mill. There are a few trees down so you have to jump off the bike, hoist it over the tree and jump back on as quick as poss, just like the old mtb races in the UK.
Riding up above the mill, met another mtber who was clearing the path - some tosser had tossed Sperrmull - a pram and furniture in the middle of nowehere. Unbelievable how thoughtless and stupid some people are.
Rode the pussy's route up Frankers (i.e. the schotterweg, instead of the steeper short-cut trail) and left B well behind. Got to the castle to find it had been invaded and occupied by the US army so couldn't get water. Time from Eumetsat was 56 mins, so no record broken. Waited 3m30s for Brendan - he must learn to pace himself! On the other hand I felt pretty strong all the way up, despite the tedium of the schottertrail. I prefer the shorter harder way - there are more changes in terrain to keep my mind occupied.
We set off from the castle at a more leisurely pace up to the top of the stony path. Now the fun begins! A bit uncomfortable on the stony path - first time this year - but no crashes or dabs for either of us. Then down the great downhill to Ober Beerbach. Path is quite tricky at speed at the top 'cos you have to ride on a 10cm ridge above the ruts. Shortcuts have been blocked. Then had to take avoiding action for a dropped bottle (now Brendan's) and a suicidal red squirrel, which luckily (for me and the squirrel) I didn't hit. If it had taken me out and I'd survived I would have had to finish it off with my bare hands in revenge - sometimes you've gotta show nature who's boss :-)
Chain-off as usual down-shifting and turning right for the short steep climb in Ober Beerbach.
Stopped at the restaurant at Steigerts (or is it Stettbach?) for water but they were closed and the outside tap was off. Onwards to Kuralp where we got water.
Then up the nasty climb to Felsberg. It's severely washed out now so requires concentration most of the way up. Slowed right down and took some deep breathes before the final push (metaphorically of course!) up the steep bit at the end. This had a nice solid surface and is now quite wide next to the steps so not so bad as it used to be. And now, big fun number two as we blasted along and down the singletrail towards Melibokus. I had two moments on this. First, I sensed a stick flick into my front wheel, but luckily the loud crack was the stick breaking as it was pushed onto the forks - so no high-speed over-the-bars exit. Second, as usual, overran the corners on the lower part into the loose sticks and stones and had to let B past. The final section to the bridge is now v scary because last summer's wash out has been replaced with loose stones, like a railway track, and my back wheel was skittering all over the place as I rode down as fast as poss. I seriously wondered if I'd punctured but it was just the loose stones.
Now a nice gentle cruise up Melibokus, quick water refill at the spring, and then the steep path to the top. Felt a bit wasted and dizzy on the path but did it ok. Noted that I felt much worse on this at heart-rate less than 90% than on Frankers with heartrate more than 90%. Presume I was on my fat metabolism by this time.
Had a look at the new steep path of the top and decided to take the wimpy way out - B crashed on it last time and I've not done it yet and we were just feeling wimpy anyway. Headed down the usual steep trail and I wimped out on this eventually. Brendan showed me how to do it with a great out-of-control run down the final 10m which he brilliantly and triumphantly survived while I grovelled about with foot out and finally walked the last bit - oh dear, I must practice and get good at this again. It seems that I find these v steep bits harder since I changed my fork and put the bars up. It doesn't make sense.
Next, down the N ridge at hyperspeed but Brendan left me behind until he had to stop quickly after running off the path. I'm always nervous on this bit - the semi-loose rocks and rubble are so unpredictable and a crash would be extremely painful. Onto the high-speed schotter, with the usual moments and then the nice single trail again and my Polar beeped at me furiously to remind me that it was full and I should have deleted old files - damn! So the profile and graphs stop near the end of the Melibokus downhill and omit the slog home.
We kept a pretty stiff pace down to Jugenheim, traverse to Seeheim and then hit the Bergstr for home. Lots of cute girls in Seeheim this eve! Brendan split for home at Malchen and I rode back to DA on the road at highish-speed - I still felt strong all the way.
Felt strong all the way round. Spinning and Saturday's training must have paid off. I think that I do really need to train hard (i.e. at high intensity) to get fast. The low/medium intensity stuff doesn't really work for me apart from burning fat maybe. But I did this ride on a bottle of weak long-energy and a cheese roll an hour beforehand without needing to feed so must be burning fat anyway.
A great ride, Brendan and I always have fun on this route.

Total distance approx 50km, at least 1050 hm, total time approx 3h40m. Not bad for an evening ride.

20 May 2007

Outside on the mtb with Riccardo & Spinners - Sat 19th May

57km, 1300HM

Went out for some Saturday pm mtb training with Riccardo, Lars, Karl and Ami. A bit different from my normal mtb training! Rode on the road from Da to Auersbach, gradually winding up the pace. Then rode up the Melibokus road at a pretty high pace, until the Auerbacher Schloss/Melibokus split. Rested a bit then rode down (on the road :-( ) and then back up and then down, then up. Not really my idea of fun, especially on a mtb. So, problems with motivation, and the others were faster than me - Riccardo just leaves the rest of standing if he puts his mind to it. So after the third ascent decided to head on up Melibokus on a single-track and then home, but then remembered I had Riccardo's keys so went back down. I complained about preferring to use road-bike on road, mtb off-road, can't self-motivate to go at 100% on road on mtb cos too many gears, whereas have to go hard on road-bike just to turn the gear. Punishment for my insolence was to do the fourth ascent on the big ring. I didn't drop it below 4th because the chain was rubbing so had to do most of it standing. It worked though 'cos I was forced to work at a higher pulse rate. This worked and I knocked 15s of my time.
Then had cafe & kuchen at Auerbacherschloss, said farewells and left them going off-road (at last!!) but south, while I headed towards Melibokus on road (but couldn't be arsed to go to the top) and then down the usual north ridge blast towards Jugenheim , then high speed home on the road via Seeheim, Eberstadt. Polar switched off during feed break so no record of ride home :-(

Not really the sort of mtb training that works for me (might be pretty good on the road bike) but was nice to see how these guys are on the road (very good) and also good company, so will probably try to get them out on my style of marathon training - DA-Frankenstein-Felsburg-Melibokus-Frankenstein-DA. Or even a Pfalz circuit :-)

On uphills was annoyingly aware that the lock-out on my forks is not locking out much nowadays. Must check the air-pressue and get them serviced. They're also leaking a bit of oil.

17 May 2007

Spinning - Wednesday 16th May

Usual spinning group with Ricardo. Running (@120rpm) pyramid intervals 3m, 4m, 5, 6, 7m. Then slow pedaling up to >90%, then straight back to running. Finished with 30s all-out speed/power intervals. Phew! Not feeling as tired as usual after, but sore legs, so must have been doing something right. Also surprised that I could run (i.e. pedal standing with no resistance) for 7 mins. Pedal technique must be improving but cadence was relatively low (120!!) and music was even better than most of the excellent music he uses; the final running interval was at more than 130 and much harder.

Can't get heart-rate to max, is it 'cos I'm fitter and max is lower or am I tired or what? Need to experiment outside on Frankenstein or somewhere, but weather really is pants at the mo. Hopefully will be better at the weekend. Would like to do another RTF but not in cool wet weather.

11 May 2007

Wednesday eve Spinning Class

Well, the great weather's paused and it's back to the wet stuff, so back inside, instead of the great outdoors.
Usual class with Ricardo, this time with the focus of increasing aerobic threshold. To do this we did seated constant cadence (110 rpm) intervals (i.e. increase the load to get heart-rate up) upto 70%, 85%, 90%, repeated. Also running for about 1min between intervals, just to make it a bit harder!
Top music as usual, especially the funky house version of an 80's acid classic - damn, I've forgotten the name. I really find it makes a huge difference to my motivation and performance when the music's good. When it's really pumping it feels like I'm converting sonic energy directly to power - it really is like an extra energy source. I'll have to get a small mp3 player and try it outside.
Invited for regular long (>70km) mtb ride, every Saturday dep Fitness Co at midday.
Also invited, again, for the Eiger Challenge mtb marathon. 88km/3900m or 55km/2500m, gulp!

6 May 2007

Schotten MTB Marathon

This was hard - i.e. fast! PJ & Rich beat me - if I'd realised Rich was in front I might have tried harder. Brendan was quick but lost time because of problems with his cassette. Pepe had a good ride (despite a crash!!),and Corby valiantly brought up the rear on his relatively heavy Kona.
Official web-page 2007 results 2006 results

Photos for sale Search for Schotten +race_no. Me 771, Brendan 703, PJ 737, Pepe 494, Rich 501, Corby 752.

Rich's pics

More to come ...

Simon: Why's your foot down Rich?
Rich: As you can see, I took a rather unconventional line. The normal way was just too easy.
The foot never went down, I just had to stick my leg out for balance because the way I did it was way more difficult and x-to-the-streme than you wusses!
Simon: I'm 50s down on last year :-(
But then I did ride it with my brakes on :-) and didn't get a decent wheel to follow on the fast stuff in the middle.
I preferred this year's course, seemed less Schotter than last year, thanks to the hurricane I presume. However, it was a bit too dusty and bumpy, and the other riders went too fast for it to be really great :-)
PJ: From what the chap was saying at the start , the course was altered a bit because of various tree suicides.... and it was harder as a result... probaly at least 50 seconds harder..
Corby: Let that be a lesson to the 21 people whose butts I kicked not to be messin! ;^)
Not to mention the fact that I "beat" the winner of the 90km race by almost a full 13min...
On the plus side legs feel fine so I guess ski touring did help.

Pfaelzerwald MTB Route 5 - 1st May

Tried out the Pfaelzerwald MTB Park route 5, with PJ & Pepe. Nice route, good intro to Pfalz but signs were a pain to find sometimes. My Pfalz routes have more single-track :-)

Full route info at Pfaelzerwald MTB Park

4 May 2007

Biblis RTF Sat 28th April

The beautiful weather made it an easy decision to have a go at the Biblis RTF. This was the first longish ride of the year and normally these things are a bit cool & wet but this time it was warm and sunny with no chance of rain - it didn't rain at all in Da in April. So decided to do longest course (150km) PJ and I decided to start as late as possible at 9am - we need our beauty sleep! Rich & Pepe also did it, starting about 20mins before us, and Rupert starting at the crack of dawn, I think.

Pictures are from http://radfahrerverein-biblis.de/rvb/radtouren/rtf/weschnitz.htm#

PJ & I set off at about 9:10 at a gentle pace, to let Phil warm up. Very few others, most had already started so nobody to chase down and make us go too fast. Cruised along to Bensheim a bit too slow for me but PJ kept same cadence & gearing up towards Lindenfels so I was soon working too hard and had to get him to slow down. Nevertheless, quickly came to 1st control. Ate half a banana & continued on our way. Lovely downhill through and after Lindenfels, only marred by having to slow a bit for a Dutch Volvo on the corners.

Joined by a young German runner in Assos kit on the way to control 2. We seemd to get there really quickly. Ate another half banana and headed onwards. Felt strong and towed PJ, Assos and a couple of others on the flat for a while. Also preferred to be in front of PJ on the climbs to stop him going too fast :-) and keep the pace steady. One of the other guys took over from me on the front in a town on our climb to the 520m point. He quickly picked up the pace with PJ on his wheel. I was working hard to keep up and felt Assos man dropping off my wheel. The other German came up from the back and told his mate to slow down, and told me he knows the climb well and likes to have some fun on it. Soon after we waved goobye to Assos as he took the shorter course, as planned, at Kreidacherhoehe.

I was on the front again on the next bit of a climb, then dropped to the back just before the downhill - I don't think I realised we were just about to start a really sweet downhill - from Siedelsbrunn. Quickly passed one of the Germans who was pretty slow on the corners and relaxed behind PJ & the other German looking for some overtaking options. Luckily there weren't any 'cos the next thing I felt was the air coming out of my back tyre and I shouted & stopped. All 3 kindly stopped for me & we sent theGermans on their way, and put my spare tube in.
Couldn't find an obvious cause for the flat. I remembered that I'd slow-flatted on my previous ride, so was a bit worried because I had only one tube and no puncture kit. PJ had a puncture kit, hopefully I wouldn't need it (my aero rims need long valve stems so a standard tube won't fit).

Set off again & briefly stopped after 500m - the Germans were stopped with a flat! A couple of kms later I flatted again and road on the flat through a village and stopped opposite a one stop store. Investigated cause of flat & realised that it the rim-tape had moved slightly partially exposing a spoke hole. Mended the punctures while PJ did a brilliant repair to the rim tape by taping over the rim tape with
Sellotape bought in the store opposite. He told me that he always tapes his rims with Sellotape - brilliant!

Note to self: get a valve extension and another spare tube.

Finally set off again but we both had problems getting a good pace again after the
total of 54 mins stoppage for both punctures. I also had to fiddle with and finally restart my Polar 'cos the heartand speed monitors had switched themselves off during the long stop.

Anyway, the rest of the ride was event free. Unfortunately for him, PJ never got back on the pace. I felt strong and led the last 20km? on the flat from Heppenheim to Biblis into an energy-sapping headwind as hard as I could, wondering where the hell was Biblis.

First post

Decided to give this a try to record bike rides and stuff and tie it in with photo posting. So here we go....