Weather was rubbish on Tuesday, I expected more on Wednesday so decided to spin instead of ride outside on Wednesday eve. Wednesday turned out nice and sunny but stuck to spinning plan anyway.
It didn't go well tonight. Plan was to do a 90min hill-climb at 85% with the occasional tempo increase to keep it interesting! My problems started as soon as the hill - I couldn't get the load high enough - I must be too strong for these bikes :o) - and had to fiddle about trying to get enough load on. This pissed me off a lot and it took me a long time to get the load right and settle down. Then the tempo increased and I went up to 90% for 5 or 6 mins then started to get bored with the music and demotivated. This was also v annoying 'cos I usually really enjoy the music. This time it was deep/progressive house which I find pretty dull and there wasn't enough bass/energy to keep me going so I slowed up and my motivation drained away. I ended up ignoring the music and doing my own 80-90% intervals with alternate high and low tempo. Finally the bass started pumping and the music sped up I managed to get my self going for the last 4 mins at 97%, which is pretty good - should definitely get a sub 10min Frankenstein if I can ride the last 4 mins at that rate. Just need a lot of bass to fuel me :o)
So a good session but didn't enjoy it much :0(
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