Usual spinning group with Ricardo. Running (@120rpm) pyramid intervals 3m, 4m, 5, 6, 7m. Then slow pedaling up to >90%, then straight back to running. Finished with 30s all-out speed/power intervals. Phew! Not feeling as tired as usual after, but sore legs, so must have been doing something right. Also surprised that I could run (i.e. pedal standing with no resistance) for 7 mins. Pedal technique must be improving but cadence was relatively low (120!!) and music was even better than most of the excellent music he uses; the final running interval was at more than 130 and much harder.
Can't get heart-rate to max, is it 'cos I'm fitter and max is lower or am I tired or what? Need to experiment outside on Frankenstein or somewhere, but weather really is pants at the mo. Hopefully will be better at the weekend. Would like to do another RTF but not in cool wet weather.
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