Anyway, rode the old route from by the Polizeiepraesidium on the O and red bar path (not via Ludwigshoehe) down to the mill - nettles and brambles are starting to encroach as usual. Took the steep short-cut at the base but this is not worth it now 'cos you have to get off to pass a fallen tree. On second thoughts it might just be rideable so must try it again. Cruised on up Frankers not feeling very strong or inspired but passed a couple of others so not totally crap.
Had quick faff at the top then down the steps and towards the Tube. A bit wobbly but managed to ride around the fallen tree which is now a little clearer. On to the Tube but steady, not vollgas! A lot of deep braking bumps which make it a bit uncomfortable. Rode right down to the base like the old-days. Headed wearily home.
Felt surprisingly tired, considering I'd felt so good on the road bike the night before. Maybe this eek's late nights are catching up on me, but also I believe I didn't really eat enough to recover well yesterday/this morning/lunchtime. I.e. only salad+feta, some bread and oats and milk for breakfast.
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