27 June 2007

Wednesday eve road ride

Planned to go spinning this eve but turned up at the gym and saw a group of normal looking people hanging around only to realise they were the spinning group. They told me Riccardo had gekundigt, or had been gekundigt, it wasn't clear. This is a shame, not much point in paying EUR65/month for nothing. Must see how I can get out of the contract trap.
Anyway made my excuses and left as the others went off to a bar with the intention on braving the cold and going out on my roadbike - still waiting for a replacement deraullier for Scotty - it seems to be lost in the post. My new Michelin Pro Comp arrived from Gypzybikes yesterday so I thought it would be prudent to put it on before my ride. Of course I did this and immediately got a flat through damaging the tube while changing the tyre - always the problem putting on v tight new road tyres.

Finally got everything sorted out and set off with not much more than an hour of daylight left. Soon stopped to put on my legwarmers. Already had arms and gillet - not very inspiring weather - cool, cloudy and windy, brrrr. Rode schnellstr, Frankenstein, then home. Couldn't get motivated to work hard, so didn't. Tried Brendan's idea and stayed seated for a lot of the way up Frankenstein. Didn't work at all for me and found it difficult to keep the power on. Stood occasionaly to get things going again. Took me 10:20, 30s slower than this year's best. However, it's not a fair comparison 'cos I couldn't be bothered really. Have to try again when I'm feeling strong.

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